MP Yoga

Sunday Yoga and Hike

Sunday Yoga and hike
If you like yoga and hike, this great combo event will continue for you on every Sunday in July.
Yoga all levels on Sunday at 10am in BeWell will wake up the body and prepare for the rest of the day.
You can join Yoga only.
After yoga we are going to discover beautiful places in Ireland. Hike/ walk is an optional element and will go ahead if the weather permits.
Our destinations in July:
1. 3rd of July – Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail in Northern Ireland
2. 10th of July – Benbulbin in Sligo
3. 17th of July – Djouce mountain in Wicklow
4. 24th if July – Croaghaun Cliffs in Achill Island
5. 31st of July – Sleeve Bloom in Laois/ Offaly
Destinations for hike may change. 

Written by Marta Pasieczny

30 June 2022

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